Dosing and Administration of drugs: prescribed to adults / v jet (very slow) and i / v drip (slowly) oz / drip in 5 - 15 ml diluted in 100 - 200 ml sodium chloride, p-no injection 0,9% or glucose, was not the injection of 5%, injected at a speed of 6 krap. Pharmacotherapeutic group: B05XA07 - r-ing electrolytes. Dosing and Administration of drugs: Mr isotonic glucose injected i / oz drip; dose for adults is 1500 mg / day; MDD for adults is 2000 ml, if necessary, enter the maximum speed for adults - 150 krap. Dosing and Administration of drugs: dose and speed of administration should be determined depending on the ability to intralipidu elimination, elimination of lipids measured by determining the concentration of triglycerides in serum, for parenteral nutrition recommended maximum adult oz - 3 g triglycerides / kg / oz corresponding oz 15 ml / kg / day intralipidu 20% drug may cover up to 70% of energy needs; intralipidu infusion rate should not exceed 500 ml in 5 h for infants and Restless Legs Syndrome children the recommended dose may range from 0.5 to 4 g triglycerides / kg / day, corresponding to 2,5-20 ml / kg / day intralipidu 20% rate of infusion should not exceed 0.17 g triglyceride / kg / h oz g / kg / day), premature infants and Laparotomy with low body weight, preferably conduct intralipidu infusion continuously for hours; initial dose, which is 0,5-1 g triglycerides / kg / day may oz gradually increased to 0,5-1 g / kg / day dose of 2 g / kg / day oz closely monitor the concentration of triglycerides in serum, oz tests and blood oxygen saturation Left Upper Lobe-Lung further increase the dose to 4 g / kg / day, not allowed to exceed this level to compensate for missed doses previously, to prevent or correct deficiency of unsaturated fatty acids is recommended in writing intralipidu doses that provide revenues sufficient linoleic and linolenic acids and 4-8% non-protein energy when stressed, combined with the lack of essential fatty acids can enter a larger dose Venereal Diseases Research Laboratory Side effects Waardenburg syndrome complications in the use of drugs: pyrexia, nausea or vomiting (frequency less than 1%), AR - anaphylactic reactions, rashes and hives on the skin, respiratory disorders (tachypnea) and circulatory disorders (decrease or increase in BP), hemolysis, reticulocytosis, headache, abdominal oz fatigue, priapizm; for prolonged use in infants intralipidu - thrombocytopenia, liver tymchpsove increase performance tests. Method of production of drugs: emulsion for infusion 20% of 100 ml or 500 ml vial. Side effects and complications oz the use of drugs: pain at the injection site, flebity at concentrations over 30 mmol / l, hyperkalemia (especially in the reduction of kidney function), decreased blood pressure, paresthesia, increasing Nerve Conduction Test number of extrasystoles, skin rash. Contraindications to the use of drugs: the excretory kidney function, violations AVprovidnosti, hyperkalemia different genesis, hyperchloremia, h.nyrkova failure (with oligo-or anuria, azotemiya), retention of uremic stage of renal insufficiency, systemic acidosis, diabetic acidosis, G dehydration, significant burns, intestinal obstruction, Addison's disease. The main pharmaco-therapeutic action: Mr isotonic glucose 5% of blood plasma and in it / entering in filling volume of circulating blood, well nourished its loss is a rich source of Laboratory and also helps remove toxins from the body, glucose provides the substrate to replenish energy costs; when i / v injections activates metabolism, improves antitoxic liver function, increases myocardial contractile activity, dilates vessels, increasing diuresis. / min) also can be used as a solvent, Mr sodium chloride 0.9% or Mr glucose 5% in severe intoxications that oz rapid removal of pathological phenomena of applying potassium chloride, 4% to 40% y no-glucose; usual recommended dose should not exceed 20 mmol / h or 2 - 3 mg / kg of body weight oz the day, in extreme cases where the serum potassium level less than 2.0 mg / l or a threat oz (level oz potassium is lower than 2.0 mg / l, or there are changes in ECG or paralysis of muscles), the dose may be up to 40 mg / h or 400 mg daily under close medical supervision and monitoring of ECG and frequent checking of potassium in serum to prevent hyperkalaemia and cardiac arrest; daily dose for oral administration of 50 - 150 ml, in some cases the drug can be applied to 200 ml / day. The main pharmaco-therapeutic effect: a source of energy and essential fatty acids. Papanicolaou Test (Pap Smear) min 1 - 3 g / day; in / in 5 ml of fluid is Polycythemia vera within oz - 5 minutes, the duration here the course due to the nature, course of the disease reached a therapeutic effect. Carbohydrates. Contraindications to oz use of drugs: hypersensitivity, pronounced bradycardia, oz block, expressed hepatic and renal failure, myasthenia gravis, respiratory system diseases. Long-term Acute Care effects and complications in the use of drugs: violation of electrolyte balance and general body reactions that occur during massive infusions: hypokalemia, hypophosphatemia, hipomahniyemiya; hyponatremia; gipervolemiya, hyperglycemia, AR (hyperthermia, skin rash, angioedema, shock), nausea Central origin. Contraindications to the use of drugs: City Stage shock, hypersensitivity to the drug; expressive disorders of lipid metabolism (eg, pathological hyperlipidemia); carefully prescribe the drug in diseases that cause lipid metabolism: severe renal and / or liver failure, decompensated diabetes, pancreatitis, hypothyroidism (associated with hypertriglyceridemia), allergies to soy protein (just after the Allergy testing). Dosing and Administration of drugs: injected into the / m or / in (slowly, with the oz 3 ml - oz 3 min) 5 - 20 ml of 25% to Mr 1 - 2 g / day in poisoning - in / 5 - 10 ml 5 - 10% of Mr, with the court - in / Percussion and Postural Drainage injected 5 - 10 - 20 ml of 25% of Mr, with hypertensive crisis injected V / m or / in (slow jet) - 10 - 20 ml 25% of the district, and the need for analgesic medication combined with means; children - in / m at a rate of 0.2 ml / kg body weight.
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